Full integration in public transport
BURSA – Bursa Metropolitan Municipality has also started the use of Bursakart in İnegöl in order to ensure full integration in the use of public transportation. Thus, it will be possible to travel in all 17 districts with a single card.
Continuing its physical investments such as smart junction applications, rail system signalization optimization, new roads, bridges and intersections for more convenient and comfortable transportation in Bursa, the Metropolitan Municipality, on the other hand, takes the necessary steps to make the use of public transportation more attractive. The Metropolitan Municipality, which started the use of Bursakart in İnegöl in order to ensure full integration in the use of public transportation, thus enabled citizens to travel with a single tick card in 17 districts. Bursakart, which started to be used as of July 15, will be used in 116 İNULAŞ buses in the first stage.
Visiting the İnegöl Bus Terminal, Metropolitan Mayor Alinur Aktaş, accompanying Bursa Deputy Vildan Yılmaz Gürel, İnegöl Mayor Alper Taban, AK Parti İnegöl District President Mustafa Durmuş and chatted with tradesmen and citizens. Later, President Alinur Aktaş, who went to the buses where Bursakart is valid, wished that the application would be beneficial to the people of İnegöl by reading cards with his companions.
“All Bursa has been integrated into Bursakart”
Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Alinur Aktaş said that they are happy to solve the problem that has been a problem for the people of İnegöl for a while. President Alinur Aktaş, who stated that they completed the process with the understanding approach of İNULAŞ despite the one-year period, reminded that İNULAŞ buses use KentKart as per the agreement made 10 years ago. Stating that there are separate card applications in Yenice and in Bursa, President Aktaş said, “We have gathered them under one roof together with the Metropolitan Municipality. I would like to thank the managers of İNULAŞ for their understanding and support. With this transition, our citizens in İnegöl will be able to benefit from the metro with Bursakart and the buses in Bursa and other districts. Thus, the whole of Bursa was integrated into Bursakart. With the transition to Bursakart, our citizens in İnegöl will be able to use Bursakart mobile and Bursakart web applications. We will open Bursakart travel cards office in İnegöl in the coming days.
Reminding that people of İnegöl can also benefit from free or discounted applications in different periods and dates with a card combination, Mayor Aktaş said, “Bursa center and districts talk a lot about transportation. In this respect, public transportation is very, very important. We are making serious investments in transportation. There is a lot of work to be done this year. In such dense cities, I consider the unity of public transportation important. This application will provide serious support in this respect. The implementation is under the responsibility of the Metropolitan Municipality, but the district municipalities are also the controllers of this work. With mutual good intentions, we can fix troublesome issues. We must act as an intermediary for our citizens to get to work in the morning and home in the evening in a comfortable and healthy way. The application will be beneficial to Bursa and İnegöl,” he said.